Tunohopu Marae stay

About 2 weeks ago Discovery from Kaitao Middle School, went to Tunohopu Marae. Room 4 was the first class to go.They are also the only year 8 class out of discovery. They packed up their gear into Mrs. Edwards trailer and truck.(The teacher of room5). We then had a role check to see who was coming to the Marae. Then we got into the bus and set off to the museum. We had to put our bags on this trolley because we weren't allowed to take them around the museum. We had an instructor but I forgot his name. He was the one that showed us around the museum. While we were in the museum rooms 5 & 6 were doing the powhiri so they could be welcomed on to the Marae.( They were at the Marae). First we went to go and see this movie in the upstairs of the museum.I can't really remember the movie names but the one upstairs was a cartoon-like made one, and the movie downstairs was a real life sort of thing one. But one thing I no was that they are really interesting and I learnt a lot of them.After we finished watching the movie upstairs we went into this gallery room and we had to fill out this quiz sheet.It took us about,10-20 minutes.Then we went and watched the downstairs movie. It was really cool because during the middle of the movie, the chairs started to wriggle and move around.